Wee Society

Wee-kly Picks

There are few things more exciting than finding typography inside a slice of cake, but we did our best to find them. Here are some other discoveries that made us say "yay" this week: 

A very un-square family of squares by Saul Steinberg

Perhaps the only F. Scott Fitzgerald quote applicable to raising good little people

This bountiful, beautiful, boisterous B by Grace Danico

Heralding in summer with a watermelon in a swimsuit (just trust us)

And of course, a little something to make for mom

Follow Wee Society on Pinterest to see what else is inspiring us. 

Wee-kly Picks

The hunt for happy design never ends. Here are a few things we found this week that made us smile almost as much as the world's largest rubber duck: 

Lunchtime love from a designer dad (who's been drawing on his kids' sandwich bags since 2008)

The ultimate Rubik's Cube-inspired playhouse

Coloring-in wallpaper for small people who absolutely must draw on the walls

An easy art project that proves there's no end to the fun you can have with magazine clippings

Francesc Catala-Roca's elephant slide

Follow Wee Society on Pinterest and get in on the fun. Speaking of fun, have you entered for a chance to win a set of Wee You-Things blocks? 



Wee-kly Picks

What's been inspiring us this week? Bright colors, cheeky public art and why-didn't-we-think-of-that genius ideas. More specifically:

A teeny, tiny Leaning Tower of Pisa

Confetti that grows into wildflowers. 

The happiest windows there ever were by Tyra von Zweigbergk. 

Tove Jansson's delightful Moomintroll illustrations

Proof that a few hundred Lego bricks can fix anything. 

And there's more where that came from. Follow Wee Society on Pinterest and enter for a chance to win a set of Wee You-Things blocks. 

Wee-kly Picks

We're always coming across wonderful creative ideas that we want to share. Here are a few pins that inspired us this week: 

1. A great quote from Mr. Rogers on talking to kids about tragedy. 

2. Getting creative (and crafty) with cardboard tubes

3. This awesome LEGO ad from 1981. 

4. Rapport! A beautiful book by Lotta Kuhlhorn. 

5. Shopping bags that prove you only need a little imagination to have lots of fun.  

Follow Wee Society on Pinterest and pin along with us.